
facial, plantar and palmar reflexology act on the different organs to rebalance the flow of energy that crosses the body by revitalizing certain areas: each reflex zone corresponds to a part of the body, an organ.

Plantar reflexology consists of a gentle massage of the feet carried out with the fingers by pressing the reflex zones of the arch of the foot. Each reflex zone corresponds to a part of the body, an organ. Considered as an alternative medicine, plantar reflexology therefore makes it possible to locate the tensions of the body and other dysfunctions and then to make them disappear. In addition to the therapeutic aspect, plantar reflexology brings a real relaxing sensation.

Reflexology is intended for:


calm tensions down restore energy balance in the body.

It avoids the prescription of drug treatments for certain pathologies.

An energy balance must precede the sessions of Chinese plantar reflexology,

digestive disorders, sleep disorders and states of fatigue can be soothed by Chinese plantar reflexology.